Single to true love program

Single to True Love

What if 4 months is all it takes?

have you:

  • Stayed in a relationship because it was just comfortable?
  • Saw potential in a boyfriend and tried helping them change but to no avail?
  • Tried dating apps that gave you no matches?
  • Followed other’s poor relationship advice?
  • Tried what worked for your friends who were in ideal relationships?
  • Settled for a relationship you knew wasn’t going to work?
  • Felt bad to express your true feelings in a relationship?
  • Coped with a relationship in order not to hurt the other person?
  • Tried being someone that isn’t you?
  • Ended relationships for the same reason?

dated men that?

  • Ended up not taking you seriously?
  • Didn’t appreciate/value you?
  • Disappeared?
  • Had no goals or aspirations?
  • Didn’t understand you?
  • Didn’t give you the treatment you deserve?

And now you’ve got no results.

So what will you do?

  • Keep feeling frustrated about the dating life?
  • Stay single for who knows how long?
  • Keep dating good men but not the “right one”?
  • Feel too discouraged to even go on a date?
  • Keep attracting the wrong guy?
  • Keep yourself distracted so as not to feel lonely?



You don’t have to quit the idea of finding the whole package!
You can stop feeling frustrated, down, and discouraged now.
With help, you can find total fulfillment and true love!


I know what you are going through right now- I was in and out of relationships looking for true love for over 12 years. After my first engagement broke off, I was in the worst pain of my life- I was lost, my heart was broken, I was 37 years old and back to being single. While hitting rock bottom I experienced a spiritual awakening. For the first time in my life I was able to see clearly my path to True Love and what I needed to do. In less than 3 months I found my now husband! This was not by luck or coincidence. It happened because of my new actions. I found him!

Coaching with Ester Fried

After discovering the way through, I created a unique system to guide others.

l will teach you your unique path to Find True Love once and for all and I will guide you to find it faster than you could ever on your own.

While looking for true love, I:


Wasted time on relationships that didn’t fulfill me.


Feared getting hurt.


Couldn’t trust my partners.


Couldn’t communicate my feelings effectively.


Bottled things up that bothered me.


Got frustrated when my partners didn’t make the effort to understand.


Became overly picky when going on dates.


Tried over 5 dating apps, yet none gave me the ‘right’ guy.


Went to therapy thinking there was something wrong with me.


Read tons of relationship books, tried their methods, but still didn’t succeed.


Lost myself trying to make a relationship work.

It was only later when I applied the unique spiritual and coaching system I developed for myself that TRUE LOVE MANIFESTED IN MY LIFE.


I invested time in self-reflection.


I worked on personal growth and development.


I learned to shift my energy.


I found Love within.


I felt the pain of a bad breakup but didn’t suffer.


I healed and let go.


I found security in myself.


I developed my inner power.


I became the cause in my life.


I made finding True Love my ONLY priority.

Only Then Was I Finally Able to:


Break negative relationship patterns.


Communicate effectively.


Honor my femininity.


Overcome the fear of getting hurt.


Manage my expectations.


Be an excellent partner.


Conquer my insecurities.


Learn to trust.


Find my soulmate.


I’m married to my soulmate.

I became a mother.

I’m the happiest I have ever been.

I’ve found more than I ever wanted in a relationship.

I’m living in heaven on earth.

I’m my true self.

I am free!


Because I get out of bed each day thinking that everyone deserves to be happy. To enjoy the freedom of being one’s own self and experiencing true love with their soulmate.

Your other half is out there and it’s up to you to find him! I will show you how and guide along the way.

Coaching with Ester Fried

I believe that you can have it all!


I don’t want you to keep throwing time and energy away, suffering like I did.

So I’ve put together over 12 years of experience of looking for love, combined with my years of coaching and spiritual knowledge in a unique 4 month program:


The only place where you will discover your unique path to true love. You will achieve not only the relationship you deserve fast, but also the feeling of total fulfillment that you are looking for.


So stop the shopping over the next 4 months and invest in your happiness and in your love life instead 🙂

Say bye to being single and say hi to looking for engagement rings!

I didn’t know what “Spirituality” really was before STTL. For me, I assumed it was taking a yoga class and feeling all zen afterwards lol. What a difference 16 weeks makes! I was ready for some dramatic change in my dating life. Meeting guys wasn’t the problem, it was my frustration with the quality of these dates. Once I learned from STTL that what I saw in these men that bothered me was really a reflection about something within me, it was an eye-opener to say the least. As soon as I engaged in my own personal change and actually uprooted my own “garbage” it was crazy I actually started to see a huge difference in my dates! I am now a much more confident and happier person in general and excited to say that I’ve been in a committed relationship for 4 months now, thanks Ester!


Jill L.

After a divorce and 3 years of therapy, I was so grateful to find my angel Ester Fried. Ester has helped me connect to spirituality and find the missing link to fulfilment. Thanks to Ester my life now has a purpose and hope. She has been with me every step of the way and has helped me get out of a big dark hole where I could not see the light at the end of the tunnel. She has a gift to help exactly where you need the most, she is the best coach you will ever find.


Eva R.

STTL is a MUST. Is it hard-work, YES. But no pain no gain as they say. You will be a different person post program all for the better! You will see huge positive shifts in many areas of your life, especially relationships! Highly highly recommend!


Monica O.

Thanks to Single to True Love I discovered a problem I wasn’t even aware I had and it was the main cause of me being single. You cannot fix something until you find it. If you are really tired of being single and have tried it all then you must join Single to True Love, you will find the path to marriage.


Laura P.

I followed Ester in social media and attended her free online webinars for a while before joining her program. Single to True Love has been by far the best investment I have ever made for myself. I am super fulfilled (from my hard work through her program) and soon to be engaged!  In Single to True Love I learned my unique way to find true love and once you know this there is no reason to ever make another mistake in relationships.


Emma R.

Find true love with Ester Fried

In a short 4 months with me you will:

  • Get crystal clear about HOW to find the love that you feel exists but haven’t found yet.
  • Discover the cause of WHY you are single and transform it into a cause to be ready for marriage.
  • Identify and overcome energy blockages and fears you are currently experiencing.
  • Let go of any pain and attachments that are preventing you from moving forward and learn to welcome happiness with an open heart.
  • Create a custom Ester Energy System that will get you the new results you are looking for fast!.

There’s more!

  • Become the cause of your life.
  • Develop a better and more empowering version of yourself.
  • Create and enjoy a new fulfilling energy.
  • Experience True Love in your life.

Here’s our 4 Month agenda


As soon as you enroll in the program, you will receive an orientation guide to assist you in getting the very most out of the program and how to best prepare for the 4 months ahead.
Setting an intention that will help you create the direction you want to follow in the program.
Time management strategies to help you organize your schedule to laser focus on your path ahead.

Month 1

Exploring your Past Love Relationships, Your Present Situation, and Design your DREAM true love relationship.

What you will be working on:

  • Conceptualize your DREAM true love, a relationship that will make you feel total satisfaction and achieve long-lasting fulfillment.
  • Learn Ester’s Energy System and create your custom Ester’s Energy System.
  • Get clear on the meaning and origin of True Love and on how it is found.
  • Discover negative relationship patterns and childhood attachments blocking you from finding what you’re seeking.
  • Learn about spirituality and the way you will find your Soulmate.

Month 2

Understand and implement your unique path to find True Love.

What you will be working on:

  • Identify the cause of WHY you are single.
  • Learn the GAME of your life and discover how to WIN it.
  • Uncover the unique toolbox you were born with and learn how to leverage your unique talents.
  • Get clear on how to say no to a Victim of Self-Sabotage.
  • Implement tools that will activate your Love within.

Month 3

Implement your custom Ester’s Energy System and bring out your True Love Potential.

What you will be working on:

  • Replace limiting beliefs for unique custom beliefs that will empower you and will create a new reality for you.
  • Break any negative relationship pattern and detach from any adverse childhood attachment. From this point on you won’t attract the SAME type of man anymore!
  • Heal pain and stuck emotions from the past.
  • Let go of all your baggage and make space to receive the True Love you deserve.
  • Overcome ANY fear that is stopping you from moving forward.
  • Align your subconscious thoughts with your True Love Potential.

Month 4

Find True love, learn how to handle it and Master your ongoing process.

What you will be working on:

  • Experience becoming the BEST version of yourself.
  • Experience a new life and new types of relationships.
  • Connect with your True Love.
  • Learn how to handle something you never had.
  • Master using Ester’s Energy System.
  • Experience the long lasting fulfillment you always wanted.
  • Enjoy and keep all your blessings.